Collection: Ash N Dust Art • Origin

Ash N Dust Art • ORIGIN presents the unedited original canvas works from the first collection release.

This Collection navigates the landmarks on the Hero's Path.

1. Celestial Woods : Enters us into the World

2. Christ Kambo : Rings with Adventures Calls

3. Creatures Gather : Listening n Learning

4. Cross Roads : The Way = Love

5. Eye Sight : Abilities n Perceptions

6. Fish Arc : Exploring Depth & discerning Danger

7. Forests Embrace : Diving together

8. Holy Woods : Pursuing the Heart

9. Mountain Man : Ascending the Path

10. Sacred Icaro : Song of Sacrifice

11. Tale Reborn : Resurrection Revitalizes

12. Vin Goth : Time Transformation

13. Volcano Sign : Risk n Reward

14. Yakar Vin : Mastery